
How to Pack For Winter Vacation in Jasper Alberta Canada

By November 28, 2016 No Comments

Packing for a winter vacation can be a little overwhelming. This is due to the fact that the area experiences freezing temperatures owing to its location. Besides, the area is forested and also the water bodies contributes to the freezing effect. Herein are a number of clues on how to pack for a winter vacation in Jasper Alberta Canada.


When packing for winter, don’t just look for the most bulky clothes in your closet. Your heavy sweaters will only take up a lot of space and might not keep you as warm. Instead of focusing on bulk, try packing in layers. The thinner insulating layers will take less space, keep you warm and give you numerous clothing options. Wool is the most winter friendly clothing material. Woolen clothes are best for regulating the body temperature regardless of the weather. You can still wear the woolen clothes even when the temperatures rise.

Weatherproof shoes

Your feet will be doing a lot of walking on the snowy grounds. Thus, it is important to spend on a pair of quality shoes. If you do not already own some, check the stores high quality and affordable weatherproof boots that are designed for winter. Your winter vacation in Jasper Alberta Canada will be so much fun; ensure that you bring shoes that will not limit your activity or movements.

The grounds can be quite slippery in Jasper during winter, therefore consider shoes with an outsole that has maximum tread and is relatively soft.


You need a pair of gloves to keep your hand warm especially when you go for outdoor activities. Bring along gloves that are weatherproof and light. Look for the low bulk gloves that are made from a material that can keep your hands warm. Also ensure that they are quick drying especially if you will be staying in Canada for quite a while.

Polarized sunglasses

Sunglasses are not designed for summer only. You need to protect your eyes from the little winter sunlight. In winter, when the sunlight is reflected off snow, it can be irritating to the eyes. During this time, the sun is also low in the sky and thus more close to your sight. Therefore buy a pair of polarized glasses and park them for your trip.


You need to pack several pairs of socks to keep you warm. If you pack a few pairs, ensure that they are easy to wash and dry.


Pack a good hat that can keep you warm. You should go for one that covers your ears and extends to your neck.

In addition, packing, don’t forget to plan for accommodation in time. Consider Decore Hotels Tonquin Inn & Maligne Lodge for your accommodation & please take the time to visit Wicked Cup Coffee & Tea Canada’s Best Organic Coffee & Tea located in the Maligne Lodge.

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